Friday 6 May 2016

Feelings with Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus

When you travel on a road which is ditsy and full of hurdles you just wanted to get through it. Even more on that when you're visiting the place first time which it eventually leads you're bit more excited how that road made you feel angry.

The similar type of feeling I'm in right while using Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, Xenial Xerus. When on 24th of April, 2016 this edition is about to release I'm reading a lot of posts regarding all the new and exciting features it is about to give and all that;  I even more carried away emotionally and eager to use this edition of Ubuntu LTS.

I installed ubuntu about a couple of week ago. On the first look it makes me feel really confy and stable. Perhaps, It's my immature enthusiasm which I should avoid. It could also be my 2 yrs of relationship with Mint full of hatreds (which finally ended).

Now exploring this edition of Ubuntu LTS makes me feels like I've dandruff. But still a lot better than that nasty mint.


Bugs ! Bugs ! Bugs !

Bluetooth, google-chrome, Sublime-text, Ubuntu Software makes me feel like itty bitty shitty...

With couple of fixes I've fix chrome's and sublime's installation problem. However, I'm still have fuzzy feelings with bluetooth and ubuntu software.

I personally didn't expected this things from this LTS.


Saturday 10 October 2015


Well sometimes you buy hardware that has software made by morons. For example HP
laptops. I recently faced this situation with my HP lappy.
Now HP laptops are good pieces of hardware but my experiences say they usually
have very bad BIOS that does not allow you to tinker it much. One time another
HP laptop actually stopped booting when all I did was update the BIOS because
it just wanted to get updated from a 32-bit OS not a 64-bit one. Anyways my
 lappy also has a very stupid UEFI. Now this one has a hardon for
windows. What it does is if it finds windows efi file in your computer then it
will only ever boot from that file and will happily neglect any changes that
you make in the mean time. So our problem arises thusly:

You basically want to switch from windows and go the linuxy way of things and
one fine day decide to install it on your machine. After carefully searching
through the distro muck you select your favorite one and on you go forward in
your journey. But when the install is finished and the computer reboots. Well
long story short you will still boot into windows. As said above the damn thing
will only ever search for windows efi and will happily neglect your linux efi
entry. No matter how much h4x0r!n9 you do by changing efi file order it will
still boot into windows

But no worries like always where there is a will there is a way. So hop on for
one hell of a solution to this mess.

Touchpad stops working in KDE or GNOME : Solution

When your touchpad freezes after login or rebooting of linux, this situation sucks a lot. So how to remove this problem...

Wednesday 12 August 2015


Yesterday Sundar Pichai is declared as the new CEO of the Google Inc. You may also heard about some new company Alphabet Inc. So what is actually Google doing? What is this Alphabet Company and many more doubts may be wondering in your mind.

What is Alphabet? 

 Alphabet is mostly a collection of companies. The largest of which, of course, is Google. Alphabet will act as the umbrella under which various subsidiaries works. Alphabet's portfolio will spread through a wide spectrum of industries including technology, the life sciences, investment capital, and research. Some of its subsidiaries will include Google Inc, Calico, Google Ventures, Google Capital, Google X and Nest Labs.

So, Is Google is not a company now?

Actually, No. Google is single subsidiary of Alphabet Inc now. It includes YouTube, Gmail, Android and Google Maps etc.

So, What is not a part of Google but part of Alphabet?

Google is very known for it's Internet Search and it is about 60% of the total web search which also excludes around 10-20% of Searches on YouTube which is also part of Google. In this area Google quite renowned. But In the last few year back Google is also working on various R&D which includes Project Loon, Drone Delivery, Google X(Advance Robotics) etc. These projects are more than the Internet Search itself. So, these projects now part of Alphabet.

Larry Page : "Sergey and I are seriously in the business of starting new things. Alphabet will also include our X lab, which incubates new efforts like Wing, our drone delivery effort. We are also stoked about growing our investment arms, Ventures and Capital, as part of this new structure."
Who will lead these Alphabet?
Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Founder and Former Heads Google Inc.

What will happens to the shares holders of Google Inc. as it is converting into Alphabet?

Alphabet Inc. will replace Google Inc. as the publicly-traded entity and all shares of Google will automatically convert into the same number of shares of Alphabet, with all of the same rights. Google will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Alphabet. Google's two classes of shares will continue to trade on Nasdaq as GOOGL and GOOG.
Does Alphabet has Website?
Why Lary Page choose Sundar Pichai?

According to Lary Page : " I feel very fortunate to have someone as talented as he is to run the slightly slimmed down Google and this frees up time for me to continue to scale our aspirations. I have been spending quite a bit of time with Sundar, helping him and the company in any way I can, and I will of course continue to do that. Google itself is also making all sorts of new products, and I know Sundar will always be focused on innovation—continuing to stretch boundaries. I know he deeply cares that we can continue to make big strides on our core mission to organize the world's information."

I thinks this post will help you guys to figure out what is actually going on with google.


Monday 10 August 2015


All the following links will help you the working of Operating System :

How Computers Boot Up

The following blog post was originally written by Gustavo Duarte on Jun 5, 2008.


GRUB : By Dedoimedo  


These Above links very well explains the GRUB(GRand Unified Bootloader).

Tuesday 28 July 2015

Main Differences between Interpreters and Compilers

The main difference between an interpreter and a compiler is that compilation requires analysis and the generation of machine code only once, whereas an interpreter may need to analyse and interpret the same program statements each time it meets them e.g. instructions appearing within a loop. For example the following Visual Basic code would be interpreted each time the loop is entered:
 For iCountvar = To 20
  iSum = iSum + iCountvar
  Pic.Display iSum
 Next iCountvar
This has implications for error reporting, eg: when an interpreter encounters an error it reports it to the user immediately and halts further execution of the program. Such instant feedback, pinpointing the exact location of the error, helps the programmer to find and remove errors.
Compilers, on the other hand, analyse the entire program, taking note of where errors have occurred, and places these in an error/diagnostic file. If errors have occurred then the program cannot run. Programmers must then use the error messages to identify and remove the errors in the source code. Some compilers assist by adding line numbers to the source listing to help pinpoint errors and all compilers will describe the nature of the error e.g. missing semi-colon, expected keyword, etc. - although interpreting some compiler diagnostics is a skill in itself.
Error correction can be very time-consuming and frustrating, particularly in the case where spurious errors occur, e.g. many errors are highlighted in the source but the cause of the error is a single, simple mistake. An example of this would be errors that are generated by, say, a compiler, if a programmer simply misses out a semi-colon.
Another important difference is that interpreters can be 2 to 10 times slower than compilers. One reason for this is that they translate the same statements within a loop over and over again. Compilers can produce much more efficient object code than interpreters thus making the compiled programs to run faster.
Interpreters however are easier to use, particularly for beginners, since errors are immediately displayed, corrected by the user, until the program is able to be executed. On the whole compilers tend to be more difficult to use.

Sunday 22 March 2015


This is the usual question often arises while using any of the distribution of the linux with having multiboot Windows OS. You sometimes do not able to mount your NTFS partitions drives.They shows you a weird message which newbie (like me) get tucked at.
Today, I am going to explain you why this problem arises and how to recover this problem. 

What is Mount Point? 

First of all we have to understand what a mount point is. The mount is a starting index of any of the drive which OS keeps the record of so that your logical partitions can accessed. Usually, the OS's automatically keep of it. 

Unable to Mount Volume

Screen Shot of my Drive

This situation start arise when you use Linux along with any of the Linux distributions. Often you see Honduras message like this :

Error mounting /dev/sda5 at /media/shivamnema05/6A8086238085F63B: Command-line `mount -t "ntfs" -o "uhelper=udisks2,nodev,nosuid,uid=1000,gid=1000,dmask=0077,fmask=0177" "/dev/sda5" "/media/shivamnema05/6A8086238085F63B"' exited with non-zero exit status 14: The disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0).
Metadata kept in Windows cache, refused to mount.
Failed to mount '/dev/sda5': Operation not permitted
The NTFS partition is in an unsafe state. Please resume and shutdown
Windows fully (no hibernation or fast restarting), or mount the volume
read-only with the 'ro' mount option.

This problem arises with some latest versions of the windows, more precisely windows 8 or 8.1. This is due to the Fast Startup feature of Windows 8 and after. It helps Windows to boot faster. i.e., it starts fast and shutdown a little faster.
In normal shut down process power is removed form all components such as CPU, RAM, CD-Rom and hard disks. But in fast start up, Windows 8 saves some system information such as caching the registry etc to a file during shutdown. Part of the metadata about the state of all mounted partitions at the time of turn off is among these system information. This reduces the boot time of the Windows 8 and it creates the trouble for Ubuntu.

Since the information about the NTFS partition is stored in Windows 8, this prevents Ubuntu to mount them as mounting them in Linux will alter the metadata of the partitions. This is why it is in protected mode and you cannot mount it (without being root).

Solution : How to mount Disk partition?

The answer to this is quite easy. You just have perform few simple steps to get rid to this mighty looking problem. Just follow this simple steps :

  1. Open the Terminal in your Linux Distro. 
  2. Type, sudo ntfsfix /dev/sdXY 
  3. replace XY with the partion index. You can easily figure it out with you error message. 
  4. Enter your root password. 
  5. Thats it. You're done. 

Please try to leave comment in case you face some problem(s), try to add screenshots too.